Friday, March 18, 2011

Monday, October 19, 2009

some new art has finally arrived.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Yellow Sail

These soft tones in the gentle water seem to blend right into the cloudy pink sky dancing above this little boat. The reflections in the surrounding ripples show a soft movement suggesting that these sailors are probably enjoying a rest!

Golden Cliffs

This perspective shows a lonely sailboat hugging the rocky edge of a golden cliff. This is from a photograph of my travels in Europe back in 2002. There were so many picture perfect moments and opportunities to be inspired. I only wish I had my tiny canvases with me while I was there.

Tree Scape I

This one single tree stands in its fullness with the glowing sun kissing its fresh green tips. I imagine the red below being a field of red poppies awaiting the morning sun to dry the dew from their petals.

Tuscan Sunset

This colorful sunset sheds a warm light over a gentle hillside. Inspired by the palette of Tuscany, these are some of my most favorite colors to work with.